
AEQUAMENTE: “Italian fresh” for a young brand

AEQUA­MENTE is one of the emer­gent fash­ion brands belong­ing to fash­ion com­pa­ny H+ Cube. At the Wom­en’s Tra­noï Show­room, it made for a del­i­cate and eye-catch­ing set of ele­gant pieces. Who is AEQUA­MENTE? Loren­za Daniel­li is a young design­er from Bologna, Italy. The styl­ish 28 year-old woman stud­ied at the Accad­e­mia Belle Arti Bologna, also…

Evyïnit: When a scarf becomes high fashion

At Paris Fash­ion Week’s show­rooms, we encoun­tered a pas­sion­ate duo of women in the knitwear indus­try. We dis­cussed their sus­tain­able brand, Evyïnit. Who is Evyïnit? After com­plet­ing her stud­ies in Teacher Train­ing and Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment at Johannes Guten­berg Uni­ver­si­ty in Mainz, Eweli­na Smarz embarked on a mis­sion to find the per­fect loop-scarf. When she could­n’t…

Podyh Fashion Brand Daria Plaksyuk

Daria Plaksyuk, the creator behind PODYH

At Paris Fash­ion Week, we met the tal­ent­ed Daria Plaksyuk, who showed us the jour­ney of her ris­ing brand, PODYH, with high com­plex­i­ty pieces con­ceived as sep­a­rate build­ings, inspired by incred­i­ble unknown shapes and tra­di­tions. Who is PODYH? Daria Plaksyuk found­ed PODYH in 2020 with a vision of bridg­ing the worlds of archi­tec­ture and fash­ion.…

Haute Couture vs. Luxury: What Sets Them Apart

What is Haute Cou­ture? When dis­cussing Haute Cou­ture, many peo­ple con­fuse it with terms like “high fash­ion” or “lux­u­ry fash­ion.” How­ev­er, the real­i­ty is quite dif­fer­ent. Haute Cou­ture rep­re­sents a lev­el of crafts­man­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty, and exclu­siv­i­ty that is dis­tinct from oth­er types of fash­ion. As we dis­cussed in our pre­vi­ous arti­cle on the evo­lu­tion of…

Style through history: a timeline of Fashion

Before the word fash­ion Before the word fash­ion exist­ed, clothes were just use­ful, were just a means to do some­thing. They had to last, they have to be able to exe­cute that func­tion per­fect­ly. That was the most impor­tant thing. But at the same time, since the ages start­ed, the gar­ments were a sym­bol­ic piece…

On fast fashion addiction

Fast fash­ion addic­tion has become a per­va­sive prob­lem in today’s soci­ety, and it is hav­ing a seri­ous impact on the health and well-being of all gen­er­a­tions, spe­cial­ly the youngest ones. Why? This addic­tion to cheap, dis­pos­able cloth­ing is not only dam­ag­ing to the envi­ron­ment, but it is also being a host of oth­er issues, includ­ing…

Nikolaj Storm: dane fashion for sustainability

Niko­laj Storm recent­ly unveiled his lat­est col­lec­tion to us, City Won­der­land, a vibrant trib­ute to the world. The show­room was lit up like an ocean of light, cre­at­ing a spec­tac­u­lar atmos­phere for the pre­sen­ta­tion of his work. Stor­m’s approach to fash­ion is inclu­sive and his gar­ments are designed with the male body in mind. How­ev­er,…

Huarte: a designer who blurs gender boundaries

We talked with the founder and cre­ative direc­tor of the brand Huarte, based in Por­to, Por­tu­gal dur­ing Paris Fash­ion Week, at the Tra­noï show­room. Who is Huarte? Vic­tor Huarte stud­ied at ESDIR in Spain and ESAD in Por­tu­gal, and then he has been work­ing as a styl­ist for the e‑commerce plat­form Far­fetch and now he…

DADAMAX: a story of how old suits became art

Paris Fash­ion Week. The Tra­noï Show­room. A tru­ly com­pelling sight for any fash­ion lover: racks and racks and more racks of the lat­est unseen col­lec­tions from up-and-com­er design­ers. Amongst them, hid but shone DADAMAX. Who is DADAMAX? Found­ed by neapo­le­tan fash­ion design­er Dada Maio, her brand has a beau­ti­ful­ly bit­ter­sweet sto­ry. The idea seems awful­ly…

Weisheng Paris: reflecting light with tailoring

Last week, Wei-Sheng him­self showed us Weisheng Paris’s beau­ti­ful new col­lec­tion at Paris Fash­ion Week. The reflec­tion of light and expert tai­lor­ing were the main stand­outs of this design­er’s lat­est col­lec­tion. This comes after a long jour­ney full of dreams. Who is Weisheng Paris? Wei-Sheng Wang went to Par­sons in New York City in 2015…