DADAMAX: a story of how old suits became art


Paris Fash­ion Week. The Tra­noï Show­room. A tru­ly com­pelling sight for any fash­ion lover: racks and racks and more racks of the lat­est unseen col­lec­tions from up-and-com­er design­ers. Amongst them, hid but shone DADAMAX.


Found­ed by neapo­le­tan fash­ion design­er Dada Maio, her brand has a beau­ti­ful­ly bit­ter­sweet sto­ry. The idea seems awful­ly sim­ple. Upcy­cle and rein­vent tra­di­tion­al men’s wardrobe. But the idea birthed from a trag­ic event: her father’s death.

Through her work, she lets go of her grief and cel­e­brates life: her father’s but also all of our fathers’, grand-fathers’, and of all those great men that, in their own sim­ple or pri­vate way, touched and trans­formed our life sto­ries.

Sustainability. Towards the future.

One rarely sees high-fash­ion be as sus­tain­able as DADMAX’s pro­pos­al and man­i­festo. Upcy­cling is the root of fash­ion­able sus­tain­abil­i­ty itself. Rein­vent­ing, recu­per­at­ing, trans­form­ing. It also means lit­tle to no waste, with no need of new fab­rics, dyes or car­bon release.

In addi­tion, the cutouts are pre­cious­ly kept to be even­tu­al­ly reclaimed for lat­er pieces or inspi­ra­tion.

Winter-Autumn 2023 at Paris Fashion Week.

Both nos­tal­gic and ground-break­ing, Dada’s style cap­tures and fas­ci­nates the eye con­trast­ing tra­di­tion with grunge. This col­lec­tion was no dif­fer­ent: acidic strings of colours came and infused light into tra­di­tion­al­ly sober blaz­ers.

Her new piece, “Fathers”, stands out in this col­lec­tion, accord­ing to the design­er her­self, as the one most rep­re­sen­ta­tive of DADAMAX’s mes­sage. The bright pink used in the let­ter­ing clash­es in har­mo­ny with the clas­sic black blaz­er under­neath. That elec­tric colour also breaks gen­der norms, bring­ing a pow­er­ful fem­i­nine ele­ment to the solid­ly and uni­ver­sal­ly mas­cu­line word ‘fathers’ and to the first form of mas­culin­i­ty we come in con­tact with in life.

Dis­cov­er DADAMAX fur­ther in our inter­view with its soft­ly bright — and bril­liant — cre­ator, Dada Maio. Or read more about sus­tain­able fash­ion and bril­liant design­ers in our ded­i­cat­ed news sec­tion.

Written by Malu Benjamin
February 3, 2023

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