
Why is upcycling attracting a new generation?

Brands like Anicet are seam­less­ly blend­ing tra­di­tion with inno­va­tion, while upcy­cling is trans­form­ing the land­scape of jew­el­ry design. With its eth­i­cal and sus­tain­able val­ues, it is gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty among those seek­ing authen­tic­i­ty and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty.

Florence Moorhead: Art, Craft, and Empowerment

Flo­rence Moor­head is a Parisian jew­el­ry brand that fus­es art, his­to­ry, and refined design with a focus on fem­i­nine empow­er­ment. After spend­ing over a decade in the lux­u­ry fash­ion world, Moor­head launched her brand to cre­ate pieces that reflect her dis­tinct aes­thet­ic and core val­ues.

Boyedoe: The Afro-Luxury Brand of Today and Tomorrow

Found­ed in 2020, Boye­doe embod­ies a grow­ing move­ment in African fash­ion. The brand seeks to hon­or tra­di­tion, pro­tect the envi­ron­ment, and inspire audi­ences world­wide. In recent years, sus­tain­able fash­ion has gained inter­na­tion­al atten­tion. Design­ers and con­sumers are look­ing for more eco-friend­ly ways to cre­ate and enjoy fash­ion.

Guido Vera: Blending Patagonian Roots with Fashion

San­ti­a­go de Chile’s bur­geon­ing fash­ion scene finds one of its most unique voic­es in Gui­do Vera, a cru­el­ty-free, ready-to-wear brand that seam­less­ly fus­es sus­tain­abil­i­ty with min­i­mal­ist design. In a fash­ion world where excess often over­shad­ows inten­tion, Gui­do Vera stands as a bea­con of thought­ful crafts­man­ship, weav­ing togeth­er a sto­ry of inno­va­tion, ethics, and rev­er­ence for nature.

Belamer: From Sea to Style

Berta and Maria grew up by the sea, in Barcelona, nur­tured by a deep respect for nature and a pas­sion for fash­ion.

ChristianZen: Fusing Sustainability and Elegance

What is Chris­tianZen? It’s an eth­i­cal lifestyle brand that com­bines eco-con­scious val­ues. Found­ed in 2014 by Sid­sel Chris­tiansen and her two daugh­ters, Anna and Lau­ra, the brand was born in the midst of Greece’s eco­nom­ic cri­sis, prov­ing that ded­i­ca­tion to sus­tain­abil­i­ty and crafts­man­ship can thrive even in chal­leng­ing times.

Spiritum Paris: Perfume of the Cosmos

In its essence, Spir­i­tum Paris is a per­fumery house inspired by the spir­i­tu­al realm. It’s an expres­sion of numerol­o­gy through curat­ed scents — with fra­grances such as ‘Solar Soul’, ‘Astral Twin’ and ‘Mys­tic War­rior’

Jennifer Chambaret: Crafting Elegance with a savoir-faire

Jen­nifer Cham­baret, in the world of fash­ion, has always been pas­sion­ate about design and the art of cre­ation. From her ear­ly days pur­su­ing applied arts at school to her advanced stud­ies in cos­tume design and fash­ion design, Jen­nifer­’s jour­ney has been marked by a relent­less pur­suit of excel­lence and inno­va­tion.