
Jennifer Chambaret: Crafting Elegance with a savoir-faire

Jen­nifer Cham­baret, in the world of fash­ion, has always been pas­sion­ate about design and the art of cre­ation. From her ear­ly days pur­su­ing applied arts at school to her advanced stud­ies in cos­tume design and fash­ion design, Jen­nifer­’s jour­ney has been marked by a relent­less pur­suit of excel­lence and inno­va­tion.

17H10: Redefining Feminine Tailoring for Empowerment

Amélie Dela­cour and Car­o­line Rey stand as the vision­ary cre­ators behind the esteemed fash­ion label, 17H10. More than busi­ness asso­ciates, they’re kin­dred spir­its shar­ing a pro­found pas­sion for fash­ion, aspir­ing to empow­er women to embrace dis­tinc­tive styles and atti­tudes.

Miyette : A French Psychedelic Fashion Fairy Tale

In the world of fash­ion, there’s a new play­er that is not just mak­ing waves but craft­ing its own unique nar­ra­tive. Meet Miyette, a young and vibrant ready-to-wear brand that embarked on its jour­ney in 2019. Found­ed by the dynam­ic sib­ling duo of Boris and Rox­ane Tardy, this French brand is rewrit­ing the fash­ion sto­ry­book…

The Ultimate Ethical Winter Selection

As the frosty whis­pers of win­ter grow loud­er, the search for sus­tain­able, eth­i­cal, and qual­i­ty-dri­ven brands becomes ever more cru­cial. Embrac­ing unique iden­ti­ties and eth­i­cal crafts­man­ship, these brands reshape the land­scape of fash­ion, weav­ing togeth­er pur­pose, style, and aware­ness.

KROON 02: Memories and Elegance

In the bustling world of fash­ion, where trends come and go, there is a brand that draws its inspi­ra­tion from the nos­tal­gia of child­hood mem­o­ries, inter­twined with a pas­sion for cre­ativ­i­ty and inno­va­tion.

VANDRÉLAAR : Redefining Conscious Footwear

Van­drélaar is a pre­mi­um ladies’ footwear brand that merges fash­ion-for­ward­ness with sus­tain­abil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy, while cre­at­ing a pos­i­tive social impact. Van­drélaar’s mis­sion is to cre­ate time­less pieces that cel­e­brate the art of slow fash­ion while respect­ing our plan­et.