
Keep warm this winter with these ethical wool beanies

As the win­ter sea­son approach­es, it’s impor­tant to stay warm and cozy. One way to do this is by choos­ing cloth­ing and acces­sories made from wool. But not all wool is cre­at­ed equal. To get the most out of your woolen cloth­ing, it’s impor­tant to choose bean­ies made from eth­i­cal wool. This lat­est weeks of…

It’s time for a cute and eco-friendly jumper attack!

Decem­ber is here; ‘tis the sea­son for hot choco­late, lov­ing gath­er­ings and gin­ger­bread… Keep warm and cozy despite this year’s ener­getic sobri­ety rec­om­men­da­tions, while stay­ing guilt-free and cute. We’ve hand-picked some of the cutest eco-friend­­ly sweaters and jumpers for the hol­i­day sea­son. These brands pro­duce their sweaters in the Euro­pean Union, in eth­i­cal fac­to­ries with…

Paradigme Mode

Fashion photography before WWII: the history of an art form

Fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy is an impor­tant tool for fash­ion brands, but it’s also an art form in its own right. Let us explore the his­to­ry and evo­lu­tion of fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy in the 20th cen­tu­ry until World War II with the most impor­tant visu­al artists of the time.The images we choose in the fash­ion indus­try have a…

Clère Paris: The Parisian woman’s bag

In 2020, Pauline had fin­ished her stud­ies in com­mu­ni­ca­tion and graph­ic design. Just one year lat­er, she was already design­ing the pro­to­type of her first bag. From com­mu­ni­ca­tion and graph­ic design to cre­at­ing a new line of acces­sories. From free­lance to busi­ness woman. Get to know the full sto­ry behind the brand Clere Paris and…

Thrift With Us: Our Favorite Luxury Vintage Shops in Paris

L’art de la friperie n’est pas nou­veau dans le monde de la mode. En tant qu’êtres humains, nous avons tou­jours eu un désir instinc­tif de nous par­er de vête­ments vin­tage. Depuis qu’il existe un passé assez loin­tain pour être évo­qué, les gens s’en inspirent. Ce cycle per­pétuel de nos­tal­gie et d’évolution du style main­tient l’amour pour les pièces intem­porelles vivant.

Thrift With Us: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Shops in Paris

The art of thrift­ing is noth­ing new to the fash­ion world. We as human beings have always had an instinc­tu­al long­ing to adorn our­selves in vin­tage. Peo­ple have been bor­row­ing from the past since there was a past dis­tant enough to rem­i­nisce upon. How­ev­er, the pur­pose of thrift­ing has been rede­fined in recent decades. With…