Thrift With Us: Our Favorite Luxury Vintage Shops in Paris


The art of thrift­ing is noth­ing new to the fash­ion world. We as human beings have always had an instinc­tu­al long­ing to adorn our­selves in vin­tage. Peo­ple have been bor­row­ing from the past since there was a past dis­tant enough to rem­i­nisce upon.

How­ev­er, the pur­pose of thrift­ing has been rede­fined in recent decades. With fash­ion indus­try today claim­ing the posi­tion as the sec­ond most pol­lut­ing indus­try in the world, sec­ond-hand shop­ping has come to be viewed as less of a cre­ative hob­by and more as a sav­ing grace.

While there are many brands today who offer first-wear sus­tain­able cloth­ing, the process of seek­ing out and pur­chas­ing from these brands can be time-con­sum­ing and expen­sive. There is no sur­er, sim­pler or eco-friend­lier way to shop sus­tain­ably than thrift­ing. If you are lucky enough to be in Paris, the options for sec­ond-hand shop­ping lie around near­ly every street cor­ner, and come at a range of prices and styles acces­si­ble to near­ly every con­sumer.

There are so many options, which is why we com­piled a sec­ond list of our favorite thrift des­ti­na­tions in Paris. We hope your wardrobe and con­science will be left a bit brighter after indulging in this list of the chiquest thrift des­ti­na­tions in the city of fash­ion.

 Le Depot Vente De Monica –  171 Rue de Grenelle

This cozy lit­tle shop is burst­ing with col­or and light. Their high­er-end col­lec­tion fea­tures a note­wor­thy assort­ment of design­er bags and purs­es, shelves of hats and berets, racks of col­ored den­im, chunky state­ment ear­rings, and diverse styles of shoes–from heels to sneak­ers. There is a lit­tle some­thing for every­one to be found here, espe­cial­ly if you’re look­ing to encap­su­late the sum­mer sun­shine with a few col­or­ful stand­out pieces.

Débardeuse vintage store – 16 Rue la Bruyère

To step into Débardeuse is to step into the dreamy high-fash­ion world of decades past. This well-curat­ed vin­tage shop car­ries a col­lec­tion of both rec­og­niz­able high-end brands as well as dat­ed design­er brands which are no longer in busi­ness (mak­ing cer­tain no one will wear the same top as you!)

The man­nequins posed across the inte­ri­or show off funky pat­terned head scarves, fit­ted linen dress­es, glis­ten­ing strings of pearls, flir­ty neon leather, and even fine­ly crys­talled high-fash­ion evening gowns. The shop is also neat­ly orga­nized and sort­ed by cat­e­go­ry, with years and sizes con­ve­nient­ly not­ed on each label, mak­ing it easy to locate the per­fect items for you.

Tilt Vintage – 10 Rue Saint-Placide

The eye-catch­ing bright orange sign which bears this shop’s name is cer­tain­ly not mis­lead­ing. Inside, you’ll find a well-lit open space har­bor­ing a col­lec­tion of gar­ments just as eccen­tric and bright. A sift through both the men’s and women’s sec­tion will reveal pat­terns galore, every­thing from fem­i­nine flo­ral dress­es to trop­i­cal beachy but­ton downs. The col­lec­tion is impres­sive­ly orga­nized and even col­or-cod­ed, sim­pli­fy­ing the process of find­ing your ide­al shade or pat­tern. This par­tic­u­lar cura­tion is most­ly made up of afford­able brands, and the prices range any­where from €20- €60. We high­ly rec­om­mend stop­ping by Tilt Vin­tage for a week­end on the water or at the beach!

L’ibis Rouge– 35 Boulevard Raspail

L’ibis Rouge is one of the most selec­tive, nar­row­ly curat­ed shops on the list, and is lit­tered with unique trea­sures. Car­ry­ing exclu­sive­ly high-end brands, it is a great place to search before big events or spe­cial occa­sions. Though the shop may be small, it is over­flow­ing with big names, most notably Chanel, whom an entire rack of blaz­ers and over­coats is ded­i­cat­ed to.

Thrift luxury in Paris

We may have been most charmed by the rare jew­el­ry col­lec­tion, car­ry­ing one-of-kind pieces from brands such as YSL, Dior and– of course– Chanel. While the prices are on the high­er side, they cer­tain­ly reflect the rar­i­ty of the care­ful­ly select­ed pieces, each one a true invest­ment that will (and has) stood the test of time!

“Thrift is poet­ic because it is cre­ative; waste is unpo­et­ic because it is waste.” ― G.K. Chester­ton

While we under­stand that the ven­ture shop­ping sus­tain­ably can be intim­i­dat­ing, comb­ing through stores like these is a cheap­er, sim­pler (and fun) way to respect the envi­ron­ment while indulging in the thrill of fash­ion. We hope you enjoy your lux­u­ry vin­tage tour through Paris!

Written by Emma Enebak
September 5, 2022

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