Articles written by
Emma Enebak
Beyond the Price Tag: What Does Fast Fashion Truly Cost?
Fashion has always had a rapid cycle of trend turnover. Looking across history, there seems to be a perpetually shrinking gap between the obsoletion and…
Thrift With Us: Our Favorite Luxury Vintage Shops in Paris
L’art de la friperie n’est pas nouveau dans le monde de la mode. En tant qu’êtres humains, nous avons toujours eu un désir instinctif de nous parer de vêtements vintage. Depuis qu’il existe un passé assez lointain pour être évoqué, les gens s’en inspirent. Ce cycle perpétuel de nostalgie et d’évolution du style maintient l’amour pour les pièces intemporelles vivant.
Thrift With Us: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Shops in Paris
The art of thrifting is nothing new to the fashion world. We as human beings have always had an instinctual longing to adorn ourselves in…
Paradigme Mode: The Creation Story
Paradigme Mode was founded upon a string of realizations. These realizations came slowly yet forcefully, as if what had been a slightly blurry image of…