Our Mission

Our goal is to shift the indus­try’s par­a­digm towards a more eth­i­cal and fair future. As a dis­rup­tive media on sus­tain­able fash­ion and all-around art de vivre, we are com­mit­ted to show peo­ple all around the world that is pos­si­ble to do things in a dif­fer­ent way.

Find out all about us below: our val­ues, our team, our sus­tain­abil­i­ty com­mit­ments and our cre­ation sto­ry.

Our four pillars



Sus­tain­abil­i­ty lies at the heart of our medi­a’s ethos. We’re pas­sion­ate advo­cates for sus­tain­able liv­ing, and we make sure our con­tent reflects this com­mit­ment. From explor­ing inno­v­a­tive eco-friend­ly fash­ion brands to shed­ding light on sus­tain­able devel­op­ment prac­tices in var­i­ous indus­tries, we strive to inspire our read­ers to embrace a more sus­tain­able lifestyle. Through our arti­cles, we aim to pro­vide insights into how indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es can make envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious choic­es, reduce their car­bon foot­print, and con­tribute to a more sus­tain­able future.



Trans­paren­cy is a cor­ner­stone of our medi­a’s phi­los­o­phy. We believe in pre­sent­ing infor­ma­tion hon­est­ly and open­ly to our read­ers. Our arti­cles are thor­ough­ly researched, and we’re ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing accu­rate and reli­able con­tent. Whether we’re dis­cussing the eth­i­cal prac­tices of emerg­ing fash­ion cre­ators or delv­ing into the inner work­ings of indus­tries, we aim to offer a trans­par­ent view of the top­ics we cov­er. We’re com­mit­ted to build­ing trust with our audi­ence, and that begins with trans­par­ent and account­able jour­nal­ism.



We embrace the val­ue of open­ness as a means of fos­ter­ing dia­logue and under­stand­ing. In the world of mod­ern art-de-vivre and fash­ion, we encour­age diver­si­ty, inclu­siv­i­ty, and open-mind­ed­ness. Our arti­cles show­case the rich tapes­try of cul­tures, styles, and per­spec­tives that shape our world. We’re ded­i­cat­ed to ampli­fy­ing voic­es from var­i­ous back­grounds and shed­ding light on unique sto­ries. By embrac­ing open­ness, we aim to cre­ate a plat­form where dif­fer­ent view­points can flour­ish and where cre­ativ­i­ty knows no bounds.



Moder­ni­ty is a guid­ing prin­ci­ple in our medi­a’s approach. We are ded­i­cat­ed to stay­ing at the fore­front of the lat­est tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions and pro­vid­ing the best user expe­ri­ence and show­case pos­si­ble for the world of mod­ern art-de-vivre, fash­ion, and indus­tries. In the dynam­ic land­scape of fash­ion and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, we’re com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing con­tent that reflects the con­tem­po­rary and cut­ting-edge. Whether we’re explor­ing the inter­sec­tion of tech­nol­o­gy and fash­ion or high­light­ing indus­tries embrac­ing the lat­est advance­ments, our focus on moder­ni­ty ensures that our read­ers stay informed about the trends shap­ing the present and future. We aim to be a source of inspi­ra­tion for those who seek to embrace the most inno­v­a­tive and for­ward-think­ing aspects of mod­ern life.

Our busi­ness struc­ture is called Par­a­digme Mode. Why? Dis­cov­er our cre­ation sto­ry.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a paradigm is “an outstandingly clear example or archetype.”

In the midst of bro­ken­ness, chaos or con­fu­sion, a par­a­digm emerges to shift the nar­ra­tive. To prove that all hope is not lost. To offer a glimpse of light in a time when light is des­per­ate­ly need­ed.

To set an exam­ple, pro­vide guid­ance to flour­ish­ing fash­ion brands and cre­ate a com­mu­ni­ty in which pas­sion­ate indi­vid­u­als can pur­sue a more eth­i­cal, sus­tain­able and respect­ful mod­el of fash­ion.

VISION MODE was estab­lished as a safe space and relief from the con­stant noise around fash­ion con­sumers. We hope that those who are dis­ap­point­ed in the indus­try can turn to this com­mu­ni­ty and trust that change is com­ing. Take our words as inspi­ra­tion, edu­ca­tion, relief, and com­fort. We har­bor a move­ment with­in these pages.