
MR Paris: Vintage-Inspired, Sustainable Chic

Dis­cov­er the sto­ry behind the emerg­ing sus­tain­able fash­ion brand, MR Paris, and its tal­ent­ed design­er, Math­is Rey­naud. In this exclu­sive inter­view, Math­is opens up about his unique jour­ney, inspi­ra­tion, and the chal­lenges he faced in cre­at­ing an eco-friend­­ly lux­u­ry brand that stands out in the com­pet­i­tive fash­ion indus­try. Who is MR Paris? Math­is’ jour­ney into…

Tailored to Last. Uncovering Apothicaires Studio

We inter­viewed the co-founder of Apoth­icaires Stu­dio at Paris Fash­ion Week, and she explained all about her new col­lec­tion. Who is Apoth­icaires Stu­dio? Child­hood friends Alix Maufrais and Clé­men­tine Gavanon have always shared a pas­sion for fash­ion. Now, after years of hard work and deter­mi­na­tion, their dream of launch­ing a fash­ion brand togeth­er has final­ly…

Tribal Hotel: Where Art, Culture and High Fashion Converge

Last week, at the Tra­noi show­room, we encoun­tered the tal­ent­ed moth­er and son of the Miko fam­i­ly, cre­at­ing high­ly con­cep­tu­al sus­tain­able fash­ion in new ways. Dis­cov­er how they got here. Who is Trib­al Hotel? Simona Vei­lande is an accom­plished fash­ion design­er who is a PhD can­di­date in Sus­tain­able Fash­ion Prac­tices and Research from the Art…

Nikolaj Storm: dane fashion for sustainability

Niko­laj Storm recent­ly unveiled his lat­est col­lec­tion to us, City Won­der­land, a vibrant trib­ute to the world. The show­room was lit up like an ocean of light, cre­at­ing a spec­tac­u­lar atmos­phere for the pre­sen­ta­tion of his work. Stor­m’s approach to fash­ion is inclu­sive and his gar­ments are designed with the male body in mind. How­ev­er,…

DADAMAX: a story of how old suits became art

Paris Fash­ion Week. The Tra­noï Show­room. A tru­ly com­pelling sight for any fash­ion lover: racks and racks and more racks of the lat­est unseen col­lec­tions from up-and-com­er design­ers. Amongst them, hid but shone DADAMAX. Who is DADAMAX? Found­ed by neapo­le­tan fash­ion design­er Dada Maio, her brand has a beau­ti­ful­ly bit­ter­sweet sto­ry. The idea seems awful­ly…

Weisheng Paris: reflecting light with tailoring

Last week, Wei-Sheng him­self showed us Weisheng Paris’s beau­ti­ful new col­lec­tion at Paris Fash­ion Week. The reflec­tion of light and expert tai­lor­ing were the main stand­outs of this design­er’s lat­est col­lec­tion. This comes after a long jour­ney full of dreams. Who is Weisheng Paris? Wei-Sheng Wang went to Par­sons in New York City in 2015…