Impari: Berlin’s Beacon of Sustainability

Nav­i­gat­ing the dynam­ic realm of fash­ion, brands that suc­cess­ful­ly merge tra­di­tion with inno­va­tion are few and far between. Impari, craft­ed by the Berlin-based design­er Jana Heine­mann, is one of these rare finds. This brand chal­lenges norms, pair­ing tra­di­tion­al crafts­man­ship with for­ward-think­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty efforts, all while cham­pi­oning indi­vid­ual style. In a sea of same­ness, Impari sets itself apart, carv­ing a dis­tinc­tive path with­in the fash­ion indus­try.

Who is Impari?

Jana Heine­mann at Paris Fash­ion Week. June 2023

Jana Heine­mann, the vision­ary behind Impari, is a cre­ative design­er. Her jour­ney began at the Hochschule für Tech­nik und Wirtschaft in Berlin where she ded­i­cat­ed four years (2018 — 2022) to hon­ing her skills, earn­ing a Bach­e­lor’s degree in Fash­ion and Cloth­ing Design.

Her brand Impari was found­ed in Berlin dur­ing these stud­ies in 2018, and it stands as a tes­ta­ment to the vibrant cre­ativ­i­ty that pul­sates through the city’s fash­ion scene. Oper­at­ing from her ate­lier nes­tled in the heart of Friedrichshain, Heine­mann crafts col­lec­tions that are a mélange of dar­ing prints, vibrant col­ors, and inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als.

How­ev­er, Jana’s vision goes beyond the realm of fash­ion. She seeks to weave a tapes­try of con­nec­tion between indi­vid­u­als through her cre­ations. She believes her art can illu­mi­nate the rich­ness of diver­si­ty in the world, fos­ter­ing a sense of uni­ty and shared human expe­ri­ence.

Fall/Winter Collection at Paris Fashion Week

Impari’s lat­est col­lec­tion is an explo­ration of translu­cence and vibran­cy. With strik­ing metal­lic hues and a dom­i­nant palette of lush greens and ethe­re­al vio­lets, each piece of the col­lec­tion emanates a dynam­ic aura.

The designer’s inspi­ra­tions are root­ed in human con­nec­tion, espe­cial­ly those nur­tured with­in the thriv­ing art scene of Berlin. She draws vibrant inspi­ra­tion from oth­er artists too, such as South African design­er Rich Min­si, renowned for his exu­ber­ant and colour-drenched art­works.

The crown jew­el of this sea­son’s col­lec­tion is a stand­out uni­sex, all-inclu­sive dress. Fea­tur­ing Impar­i’s sig­na­ture prints and adapt­able stripes for a cus­tomis­able fit, this piece is designed to cel­e­brate indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and inclu­siv­i­ty.

The dress’s kinet­ic beau­ty was a spec­ta­cle at the Tra­noi show. As it bil­lowed and rip­pled, it cap­tured the atten­tion of every onlook­er, demon­strat­ing the brand’s ded­i­ca­tion to cre­at­ing state­ment pieces that are as cap­ti­vat­ing in motion as they are on the hang­er.

A look at Impari’s inclu­sive dress at Paris Fash­ion Week

Towards the Future. Sustainability

Impari, under Jana’s vision­ary lead­er­ship, emerges as a cham­pi­on of con­scious liv­ing and indi­vid­u­al­ism, radi­at­ing a pas­sion that goes beyond fash­ion. Choos­ing Impari means not just embrac­ing a dis­tinc­tive style, but also sup­port­ing a brand com­mit­ted to eco-con­scious­ness and glob­al pos­i­tiv­i­ty.

Jana staunch­ly adheres to a zero-waste pol­i­cy. The rem­nants from each col­lec­tion breathe new life into the next, trans­form­ing waste into cre­ative inspi­ra­tion. This zero-waste pat­tern cut­ting approach is an emerg­ing trend that max­i­mizes fab­ric usage, yield­ing both eco­log­i­cal and eco­nom­i­cal ben­e­fits.

In our con­ver­sa­tion with Jana, two words res­onat­ed deeply — ‘sus­tain­abil­i­ty’ and ‘social’. These con­cepts form the core of her brand’s ethos, and they echo through every aspect of her work. Through her unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to these prin­ci­ples, Jana and Impari con­tin­ue to set a pow­er­ful prece­dent for the future of fash­ion.

Written by David Ferrero
July 26, 2023

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