Florence Moorhead: Art, Craft, and Empowerment

Flo­rence Moor­head is a Parisian jew­el­ry brand that fus­es art, his­to­ry, and refined design with a focus on fem­i­nine empow­er­ment. After spend­ing over a decade in the lux­u­ry fash­ion world, Moor­head launched her brand to cre­ate pieces that reflect her dis­tinct aes­thet­ic and core val­ues. With her deep expe­ri­ence in lux­u­ry fash­ion, her jew­el­ry cap­tures a blend of high crafts­man­ship, sym­bol­ism, and sus­tain­able prac­tices. This arti­cle explores Moorhead’s jour­ney, cre­ative style, and val­ues that guide her brand today.

A Career Built on Experience and Expertise

Flo­rence Moorhead’s jour­ney began with a pas­sion for art his­to­ry, stud­ied at the Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris, fol­lowed by fash­ion train­ing at Stu­dio Berçot. Her first role was an intern­ship with renowned jew­el­ry design­er Elie Top at Lan­vin. She then moved through design posi­tions at Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuit­ton, ulti­mate­ly work­ing with Ric­car­do Tis­ci at Givenchy for three years. There, she focused on shoes and jew­el­ry design, hon­ing skills that would become cen­tral to her brand.

Florence Moorhead
Flo­rence Moor­head — Pho­to by Emmanuelle Descraques

Fol­low­ing this, she joined Hedi Slimane’s team at Saint Lau­rent for anoth­er three years. In 2017, she tran­si­tioned to free­lance acces­so­ry design, work­ing with brands like Jacque­mus, Longchamp, and Paco Rabanne. This free­lance phase gave her the free­dom to devel­op her cre­ative voice, spark­ing the desire to build her own brand.

Embracing Feminine Power Through Design

Each Flo­rence Moor­head piece cel­e­brates fem­i­nine strength, tak­ing inspi­ra­tion from mytho­log­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal fig­ures. Her col­lec­tions often ref­er­ence ancient Greek god­dess­es, Celtic pagan sym­bols, and even medieval covens. Moorhead’s work often fea­tures the ser­pent, a sym­bol of cre­ativ­i­ty and life force linked to the earth. This motif reflects her appre­ci­a­tion for nature’s raw beau­ty and pow­er.

Describ­ing her style as “Soft Goth Fem­i­nist,” Moor­head cre­ates designs that res­onate with a sense of mys­tique and empow­er­ment. Her work brings togeth­er his­to­ry and moder­ni­ty, trans­form­ing ancient sym­bols into wear­able state­ments of resilience and fem­i­nin­i­ty.


Commitment to Craftsmanship and Ethical Production

Every piece begins as a hand-drawn sketch and a plas­ti­line mod­el, cre­at­ed in Moorhead’s Paris stu­dio. From there, she col­lab­o­rates with two trust­ed man­u­fac­tur­ers in Tus­cany, known for their long his­to­ry with lux­u­ry brands. Recent­ly, she has also part­nered with a work­shop in Paris, which sup­ports migrant and refugee arti­sans, adding a social dimen­sion to her pro­duc­tion process. Her mate­ri­als, includ­ing pal­la­di­um- and gold-plat­ed brass and sol­id sil­ver, are care­ful­ly cho­sen to be hypoal­ler­genic and free from harm­ful met­als.

Florence Moorhead
Flo­rence Moor­head — Pho­to by Emmanuelle Descraques
Flo­rence Moor­head­’s stand at the Tra­noï Show S/S 2025

A Brand Dedicated to Sustainability and Inclusion

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is cen­tral to Flo­rence Moorhead’s approach. She plans to local­ize her entire pro­duc­tion in France, reduc­ing the brand’s car­bon foot­print. Moorhead’s designs are ver­sa­tile, allow­ing pieces to be styled in dif­fer­ent ways. This adapt­abil­i­ty pro­motes longevi­ty, which aligns with her com­mit­ment to eco-con­scious fash­ion.

Her vision of inclu­siv­i­ty extends to gen­der and age. Her designs cater to all body types, mak­ing each piece acces­si­ble to a wide range of wear­ers. Pack­ag­ing also reflects her envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards, sourced from FSC-cer­ti­fied and recy­clable Euro­pean mate­ri­als.

Flo­rence Moor­head­’s stand at the Tra­noï Show S/S 2025
Florence Moorhead
Flo­rence Moor­head — Pho­to by Emmanuelle Descraques

Toward the future of jewelry

Flo­rence Moorhead’s brand bal­ances artistry, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and empow­er­ment. Draw­ing from her back­ground with lux­u­ry brands, she has built a jew­el­ry line that cap­tures both beau­ty and depth. With each col­lec­tion, she offers pieces that hon­or both his­tor­i­cal sym­bols and mod­ern val­ues, cre­at­ing jew­el­ry that is mean­ing­ful. Flo­rence Moorhead’s designs are more than adorn­ments; they are trib­utes to strength and time­less style.

Florence Moorhead
Flo­rence Moor­head — Pho­to by Emmanuelle Descraques

Written by Mathis Reynaud
November 26, 2024

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