MR Paris: Vintage-Inspired, Sustainable Chic

Artwork MR Paris Paradigme Mode copy

Dis­cov­er the sto­ry behind the emerg­ing sus­tain­able fash­ion brand, MR Paris, and its tal­ent­ed design­er, Math­is Rey­naud. In this exclu­sive inter­view, Math­is opens up about his unique jour­ney, inspi­ra­tion, and the chal­lenges he faced in cre­at­ing an eco-friend­ly lux­u­ry brand that stands out in the com­pet­i­tive fash­ion indus­try.

Who is MR Paris?

Math­is’ jour­ney into the world of fash­ion is any­thing but typ­i­cal. He began his cre­ative pur­suits at Stu­dio Berçot, a fash­ion school locat­ed on Rue des Petites Ecuries in Paris’ 10th arrondisse­ment. This unique envi­ron­ment, where renowned design­er Isabel Marant made her debut, pro­vid­ed Math­is with the best tech­ni­cal skills pos­si­ble in all fields of fash­ion con­fec­tion and free­dom to explore var­i­ous aspects of the méti­er – from cloth­ing to acces­sories.

Mathis Reynaud
Math­is Rey­naud

Dur­ing his time at the school, Math­is had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on Haute Cou­ture Jew­ellery for Chanel. Lat­er, he com­plet­ed a six-month intern­ship at Dior Haute Cou­ture, con­tribut­ing to Maria Grazi­a’s cel­e­brat­ed first col­lec­tion in 2016.

His brand, MR Paris was born years lat­er, in 2020, when Math­is designed a bag for his moth­er, which would become its first piece. Despite launch­ing amidst the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, the brand has per­se­vered and today offers a wide selec­tion of mod­els, mate­ri­als and colours for the client to choose from.

Building the brand

Math­is draws inspi­ra­tion from var­i­ous sources, includ­ing vin­tage styles, archi­tec­ture, and the dar­ing spir­it of French air­craft man­u­fac­tur­er Pierre Lev­asseur, who made an ambi­tious attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean with his plane, L’Oiseau Blanc. This eclec­tic mix of influ­ences is pre­sent­ed in a futur­is­tic way, which com­bine mod­ern and metal­lic ele­ments with a touch of lux­u­ry.

The colour palette of MR Paris is as bold and unique as its designs, fea­tur­ing shades of pink, dark green, and orange. These uncon­ven­tion­al colours, rarely seen in today’s lux­u­ry brands, help set the brand apart.

MR Paris offers a range of bags that cater to var­i­ous needs – from a chic night bag to a prac­ti­cal work bag. These ver­sa­tile designs are rem­i­nis­cent of a bijou, adding a touch of ele­gance to every­day life.

Sustainability. Towards the Future

MR Paris fol­lows a made-to-order pro­duc­tion mod­el, with Math­is him­self over­see­ing the entire cre­ative and man­u­fac­tur­ing process. This approach allows the brand to min­imise waste and ensure the high­est qual­i­ty for each prod­uct. Every prod­uct is ful­ly per­son­alised to the clien­t’s needs, choos­ing the exact size, mate­r­i­al and colour desired.

MR Paris
Detail on the leather and met­al used on MR Paris brand.

The brand pri­ori­tis­es the use of eco-friend­ly mate­ri­als, such as Piña­tex – a light­weight, veg­etable-based alter­na­tive to leather – and upcy­cled leather sourced from Europe. For hard­ware, MR Paris uses riv­ets, Zamak rings, trig­ger guards and alu­minum chains, fur­ther empha­sis­ing the con­trast between the hand­made bags and their metal­lic accents.

MR Paris
MR Paris bag made out of Pina­tex, the most eco­log­i­cal mate­r­i­al on its port­fo­lio.

While not all of MR Paris’ prod­ucts are cer­ti­fied by the Leather Work­ing Group, the brand is com­mit­ted to sourc­ing mate­ri­als eth­i­cal­ly and sus­tain­ably. Math­is works with a net­work of 30 dif­fer­ent sup­pli­ers and has occa­sion­al­ly had to change pro­duc­tion part­ners to main­tain the brand’s high stan­dards.

MR Paris, led by the pas­sion­ate and tal­ent­ed Math­is, is an emerg­ing sus­tain­able lux­u­ry brand with a bright future ahead. Check the lat­est sus­tain­able cre­ators in Europe in our ded­i­cat­ed sec­tion.

Written by David Ferrero
May 31, 2023

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