Weisheng Paris: reflecting light with tailoring

Overcoat 2

Last week, Wei-Sheng him­self showed us Weisheng Paris’s beau­ti­ful new col­lec­tion at Paris Fash­ion Week. The reflec­tion of light and expert tai­lor­ing were the main stand­outs of this design­er’s lat­est col­lec­tion. This comes after a long jour­ney full of dreams.

Who is Weisheng Paris?

Wei-Sheng Wang went to Par­sons in New York City in 2015 and quick­ly start­ed work­ing in high-fash­ion, intern­ing for the Japan­ese brand Sacai just one year lat­er. Then he con­tin­ued with anoth­er intern­ship in pow­er­house Loewe before mov­ing to Paris in 2019, where he start­ed work­ing at Moji Farhat / Rox­ar­man Paris Vin­tage, an exclu­sive show­room ded­i­cat­ed to haute-cou­ture vin­tage pieces.

Weisheng Paris Paradigme Mode

That same year he found­ed his own brand, Weisheng Paris, to a great suc­cess that made him being fea­tured in Paris Fash­ion Week just months lat­er, in 2020.

Winter-Autumn 2023 at Paris Fashion Week.

His lat­est col­lec­tion is a shim­mer­ing show­case of light, dreams, and reflec­tion. The ethe­re­al fab­ric dances in the rays, cre­at­ing a mes­mer­iz­ing dis­play of motion that is noth­ing short of a liv­ing work of art.

Weisheng Paris Paradigme Mode

His favourite piece, as he told us, is a long over­coat fea­tur­ing a belt piece inspired by the Chi­nese char­ac­ter called Human, with a char­ac­ter­is­tic invert­ed Y form, that is rep­re­sent­ed as it’s writ­ten, and makes the 50s touch fit per­fect­ly in the waist, cre­at­ing a style that fits every­one, being tai­lored as an uni­sex piece.

Weisheng Paris Paradigme Mode

This applies to all his col­lec­tions, with mod­ern but vin­tage-inspired looks with both male and female mod­els show­cas­ing the dif­fer­ent pieces.

Sustainability. Towards the future.

In his case, sus­tain­abil­i­ty goes hand-in-hand with crafts­man­ship, as all the gar­ments of the brand are hand-made in Paris, mean­ing that only the high­est qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and tech­niques are used while respect­ing all the work con­di­tions. His pro­duc­tion is as well quite lim­it­ed, and retail­ers have to order at the show­room to make the esti­mates of how many pieces will go onto final pro­duc­tion.

More about his lat­est work on our video-arti­cle, which fea­tures an exclu­sive talk with the cre­ator.

Written by David Ferrero
January 30, 2023

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