ChristianZen: Fusing Sustainability and Elegance

What is Chris­tianZen? It’s an eth­i­cal lifestyle brand that com­bines eco-con­scious val­ues. Found­ed in 2014 by Sid­sel Chris­tiansen and her two daugh­ters, Anna and Lau­ra, the brand was born in the midst of Greece’s eco­nom­ic cri­sis, prov­ing that ded­i­ca­tion to sus­tain­abil­i­ty and crafts­man­ship can thrive even in chal­leng­ing times. Chris­tianZen spe­cial­izes in beach and resort wear, blend­ing Greek and mul­ti­cul­tur­al ele­ments into time­less cre­ations, with its sig­na­ture sym­bol, the Pea­cock, rep­re­sent­ing nature’s beau­ty, integri­ty, and vision.

A family Journey

The Chris­tianZen sto­ry begins with Sid­sel Chris­tiansen, a Dan­ish-born cre­ative who moved to Greece in her twen­ties. With a pas­sion for trav­el and design, Sid­sel ini­tial­ly began cre­at­ing hand­made beach bags and acces­sories from vin­tage fab­rics. Over time, her cre­ations grew into a full-fledged col­lec­tion of embroi­dered caf­tans and resort wear. What start­ed as a hob­by evolved into a busi­ness when her daugh­ters joined the ven­ture, expand­ing ChristianZen’s pres­ence with an ate­lier and con­cept store in Athens. Today, their designs can be found in bou­tiques world­wide.

Sid­sel Chris­tiansen and her two daugh­ters, Anna and Lau­ra with dogs

Sustainable Fashion for the Modern Traveler

ChristianZen’s mis­sion is to pro­mote slow fash­ion, encour­ag­ing cus­tomers to buy less but buy bet­ter. The brand’s col­lec­tions are pro­duced in lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties and fol­low a made-to-order mod­el to min­i­mize waste. This approach reflects the brand’s com­mit­ment to reduc­ing envi­ron­men­tal impact while pro­duc­ing gar­ments that are made to last. Their ver­sa­tile dress­es and caf­tans tran­si­tion seam­less­ly from beach­wear to evening attire, mak­ing them time­less sta­ples in any wardrobe.

All mate­ri­als used by Chris­tianZen are 100% nat­ur­al, with fab­rics like cot­ton, silk, linen, and ten­cel ensur­ing com­fort and ele­gance. A high­light of the col­lec­tion is the Greek woven cot­ton gauze, a light­weight, easy-care fab­ric that becomes soft­er with each wash. By using nat­ur­al dyes and incor­po­rat­ing vin­tage and recy­cled mate­ri­als, Chris­tianZen fur­ther reduces its envi­ron­men­tal foot­print, embody­ing its eco-friend­ly ethos.

Chris­tianzen Stand at Tra­noï Show S/S 2025
Chris­tianzen Stand at Tra­noï Show S/S 2025

Heartmade for All Body Types

One of ChristianZen’s stand­out fea­tures is its inclu­sive approach to fash­ion. Their designs are “one-size,” ensur­ing that each piece fits a vari­ety of body types. The brand’s phi­los­o­phy cen­ters on mak­ing every indi­vid­ual feel beau­ti­ful and com­fort­able in their own skin, pro­mot­ing a body-pos­i­tive ethos that tran­scends stan­dard siz­ing.

Alche­my maxi dress — Chris­tianZen

Ethical Production and Packaging

ChristianZen’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty extends beyond its gar­ments. The brand’s pack­ag­ing is sourced from sus­tain­ably cer­ti­fied mate­ri­als, and each gar­ment is housed in 100% biodegrad­able poly­bags. Store bags, stick­ers, tis­sue paper, and thank-you notes are all made from recy­cled mate­ri­als, reflect­ing the brand’s ded­i­ca­tion to min­i­miz­ing waste at every step of the pro­duc­tion process.

Chris­tianzen Stand at Tra­noï Show S/S 2025
Chris­tianzen Stand at Tra­noï Show S/S 2025

Supporting Women and Communities

Chris­tianZen not only strives to make a pos­i­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment but also on the com­mu­ni­ties it touch­es. The brand is pas­sion­ate about empow­er­ing women and sup­port­ing small, local com­mu­ni­ties. A por­tion of the pro­ceeds from sales goes to char­i­ty, with reg­u­lar con­tri­bu­tions to caus­es close to the founders’ hearts through their ini­tia­tive, “The Zen Project.”

Aste­r­ia top and skirt — Chris­tianZen
Chris­tianzen Stand at Tra­noï Show S/S 2025

Towards the future

Chris­tianZen stands at the inter­sec­tion of sus­tain­abil­i­ty, time­less design, and eth­i­cal crafts­man­ship. With a strong focus on slow fash­ion, eco-friend­ly mate­ri­als, and inclu­siv­i­ty, the brand embod­ies a con­scious approach to lux­u­ry resort wear. From its hum­ble begin­nings in Greece to its pres­ence in glob­al bou­tiques, Chris­tianZen con­tin­ues to inspire through its beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed, heart-made cre­ations that are both time­less and respon­si­ble.

Dis­cov­er oth­er fash­ion brands with eth­i­cal val­ues in our ded­i­cat­ed page.

Written by Mathis Reynaud
October 29, 2024

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