Huarte: a designer who blurs gender boundaries


We talked with the founder and cre­ative direc­tor of the brand Huarte, based in Por­to, Por­tu­gal dur­ing Paris Fash­ion Week, at the Tra­noï show­room.

Who is Huarte?

Vic­tor Huarte stud­ied at ESDIR in Spain and ESAD in Por­tu­gal, and then he has been work­ing as a styl­ist for the e‑commerce plat­form Far­fetch and now he also designs for the brand Sal­sa. Quite busy, right?

Vic­tor Huarte with one of the key pieces of his new col­lec­tion

In the brand, we can see mod­ern, up-to date col­lec­tions where gen­der bound­aries are com­plete­ly blurred, mak­ing pieces that go with some­one’s style rather than some­one’s shape.

Sneak peak of Huar­te’s new col­lec­tion

Sustainability. Towards the future with Autumn-Winter 2023.

All the process from design to pro­to­type to final con­fec­tion takes place in Por­tu­gal, ensur­ing a sus­tain­able and fair pro­duc­tion, with fair mate­ri­als made to last for years to come.

Since 2021, he has been pre­sent­ing his col­lec­tions at Por­tu­gal Fash­ion in Por­to, and now he has start­ed com­ing to inter­na­tion­al show­rooms in Paris too, like Tra­noï, where we talked with him.

Pro­mo­tion­al pic­ture of Huar­te’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in Paris Fash­ion Week

His new col­lec­tion offers a soft, mat­te dream craft­ed from var­i­ous shades of den­im, from jeans to puffer jack­ets. It also fea­tures 2000s-inspired crop-tops and styl­ish jeans designed to be worn with the fly on the back and wide pock­ets on the front.

We can’t wait for the upcom­ing cam­paign pic­tures of his new col­lec­tion. Keep up to date with the lat­est Euro­pean cre­ators in our ded­i­cat­ed news sec­tion.

Written by David Ferrero
February 6, 2023

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