Exploring Vegetarian Delights in Paris

Paris, renowned for its culi­nary prowess, has embraced veg­e­tar­i­an­ism with open arms. From fla­vor­ful Afro-Caribbean influ­ences to inno­v­a­tive veg­an fast-food chains and cozy cafes offer­ing healthy veg­e­tar­i­an delights, the city boasts a vari­ety of options to seduce the taste buds of both veg­e­tar­i­ans and non-veg­e­tar­i­ans alike.

Jah Jah: A Burst of Afro-Caribbean Vegan Delicacies

Nes­tled in the live­ly streets of 10th arrondisse­ment, Jah Jah stands out as a col­or­ful haven for veg­an gas­tron­o­my. Coralie Jouhi­er and Daquisi­line Gomis, the pas­sion­ate culi­nary enthu­si­asts behind Jah Jah, ini­tial­ly embarked on their veg­an jour­ney with a food bike, « Le Tri­cy­cle », offer­ing Afro-Veg­an and Caribbean-fla­vored veg­e­tar­i­an hot dogs. Their suc­cess led to the birth of their first restau­rant,« Le Tri­cy­cle Store », in 2016, fol­lowed by « Jah Jah by Le Tri­cy­cle » less than a year lat­er.


The vibrant plates burst­ing with fla­vors, includ­ing veg­e­tar­i­an bowls and veg­an burg­ers, have cap­ti­vat­ed din­ers. Clients praise not only the deli­cious offer­ings but also the impec­ca­ble ser­vice and live­ly ambiance. More­over, Jah Jah extends its influ­ence beyond the din­ing expe­ri­ence, host­ing Jah-Jah Sound Sys­tem events and Jahik­ing club hik­ing ini­tia­tives, pro­mot­ing inclu­siv­i­ty and cel­e­brat­ing cul­tur­al ori­gins.

Address: 11 Rue des Petites Écuries, 75010 Paris

Furahaa: Redefining Vegan Fast Food with Inclusivity

For those seek­ing an inclu­sive veg­an fast-food expe­ri­ence, Fura­haa emerges as a pio­neer­ing name. This estab­lish­ment, not only known for its delec­table veg­an burg­ers, bur­ri­tos, and sides but also for its com­mit­ment to inclu­siv­i­ty and social impact, is the brain­child of Arthur Dev­illers.


Fura­haa prides itself on being the first inclu­sive veg­an fast-food chain, led by indi­vid­u­als from the deaf com­mu­ni­ty. Arthur Dev­illers, the founder, aims to bridge employ­ment gaps for the deaf com­mu­ni­ty while pro­mot­ing a veg­an lifestyle. The restaurant’s suc­cess mir­rors the surg­ing inter­est in veg­an­ism in France, respond­ing to the eth­i­cal and gas­tro­nom­ic desires of a grow­ing pop­u­la­tion.

The con­cept extends beyond food, encom­pass­ing PlantB2B, a plant-based prod­uct dis­tri­b­u­tion com­pa­ny, and ViVeg, a veg­an prod­uct sub­scrip­tion ser­vice. Fura­haa’s vision includes expan­sion plans, includ­ing fran­chise oppor­tu­ni­ties, backed by a recent fundrais­ing cam­paign to fuel growth and pro­mote veg­an­ism nation­wide.

Address: 78 Rue Réau­mur, 75002 Paris

Kitchen: A Cozy Haven for Vegetarian Treat

Tucked away in the charm­ing Rue des Grav­il­liers, Kitchen beck­ons as a cozy spot offer­ing reju­ve­nat­ing break­fasts and light veg­e­tar­i­an lunch­es. Fre­quent­ed by mod­els dur­ing fash­ion weeks and even graced by a vis­it from Emi­ly (in Paris) her­self, this café delights clients with its healthy, veg­e­tar­i­an menu options.


Kitchen reimag­ines Amer­i­can clas­sics in a health­i­er way, offer­ing avo­ca­do bagels, fresh juices, sea­son­al sal­ads, veg­gie stews, and a vari­ety of mouth­wa­ter­ing desserts, includ­ing matcha cook­ies and pan­cakes. The ambiance exudes a con­vivial, healthy-can­teen vibe, mak­ing it an ide­al spot for week­end brunch­es or ener­giz­ing break­fasts.

Address: 74 Rue des Grav­il­liers, 75003 Paris

Vegie Future

Paris’ veg­e­tar­i­an din­ing scene is a tes­ta­ment to the city’s culi­nary diver­si­ty and inno­va­tion. From Jah Jah’s vibrant Afro-Caribbean-inspired veg­an dish­es to Fura­haa’s inclu­sive fast-food con­cept and Kitchen’s cozy yet delight­ful veg­e­tar­i­an food, these restau­rants cater not just to dietary pref­er­ences but also weave in cul­tur­al, eth­i­cal, and social nar­ra­tives, mak­ing din­ing expe­ri­ences in Paris a fla­vor­ful and inclu­sive jour­ney for every­one.

Written by Mathis Reynaud
February 18, 2024

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