‘Women in Art’ project in Paris

EquiLibre Cover Art - Paradigme Mode

Auto­di­dact artist Nathalie Cor­reia dis­plays her work for the ‘Women in Art’ project. The inter­na­tion­al project is ded­i­cat­ed to giv­ing women their long due and deserved vis­i­bil­i­ty in a male dom­i­nat­ed art world. ‘Women in Art’ is led by Span­ish art cura­tor Mar­gari­ta Asuar. Togeth­er, they cre­at­ed Nathalie’s exhib­it “Equi­li­bre”.

About the project. Women In Art.

Last year, art cura­tor and activist Mar­gari­ta Asuar launched the pro­gram ‘Women In Art’ after real­iz­ing how lack­ing and prej­u­diced the art mar­ket remained towards women artists. Its goal is to restore bal­ance. It will not stop until women artists around the world as just as rep­re­sent­ed as men in the muse­ums and gal­leries of the world.

Art Cura­tor, activist, gal­lerist muse­um man­ag­er and lawyer, Founder of the Women in Art project, Mar­gari­ta Asuar

The ini­tia­tive is a col­lec­tive project under the umbrel­la of the Span­ish asso­ci­a­tion Aso­ciación Armazón. The asso­ci­a­tion is notably respon­si­ble for bring­ing into the world art­ful trans­la­tions of the Unit­ed Nations’ 17 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs).

SDGs art exhi­bi­tion poster by Yolan­da Pérez, Mixed tech­nique, acrylics and inks on can­vas treat­ed on board, 70x100cm

The project quick­ly grew beyond Europe. It is now co-curat­ed by oth­er amaz­ing women around the world, such as Maria Jan­nel­li in Italy, María de la Vega in Argenti­na or Tian Luo in Chi­na. Every coun­try has their own co-cura­tor. Fran­co-span­ish artist and gal­lerist Lina Martín Cal­vo is the project lead in France.

Artist and gal­lerist, ‘Women in Art’ project cura­tor in France, Lina Martín Cal­vo

About the artist. Nathalie Correia.

Nathalie Cor­reia has always been an artist. For a very long time, Nathalie expressed her­self through dif­fer­ent forms of art. She danced bal­let. She even stud­ied fash­ion and style.

But she felt her cre­ativ­i­ty was restrict­ed by the con­fines of pre­cise move­ment and des­ig­nat­ed can­vass­es. The only option for her was to become a painter and a sculp­tor, capa­ble of cre­at­ing her own.

Artist, Nathalie Cor­reia

“My work revolves around cut­ting and for­mat­ting all sorts of mate­ri­als. Tru­ly, my inspi­ra­tion is the dance that lives inside of me.”

Nathalie Cor­reia, Artist and mem­ber of the ‘Women in Art’ col­lec­tive

She chose to teach her­self paint­ing first. She then attend­ed a mul­ti­tude of Beaux-Arts ate­liers on sculpt­ing and mould­ing. She is now part of the ‘Women in Art’ col­lec­tive.

About the artwork and the exhibit. EquiLibre.

A col­lec­tion of inter­na­tion­al char­ac­ters and fig­ures came to the open­ing of Nathalie’s exhib­it at Ate­lier Galería de Arte, in the 14th arrondisse­ment of Paris.

Black and white with touch­es of blue came to make a strong state­ment about inter­nal reflex­ions.

Her select­ed work spoke of soci­etal themes like over­pop­u­la­tion, as well as per­son­al expe­ri­ences like going to the beach or feel­ing your­self change.

‘plage’ by Nathalie Cor­reia
Paint­ing, sculp­ture, Mixed tech­nique

‘sur­pop­u­la­tion’ by Nathalie Cor­reia
Paint­ing, sculp­ture, Mixed tech­nique

Nathalie’s sculp­tures intrigued the eye. The sur­re­al­is­tic curvi­lin­ear cut-out per­sonas loung­ing about felt like they were tak­en straight from the artist’s head, invit­ing us to smile, breathe and take a moment to appre­ci­ate our own inter­nal dances.

Sculp­ture dis­play
at Ate­lier Galería de Arte
‘la pêche’ by Nathalie Cor­reia
Sculp­ture and paint­ing, Mixed tech­nique

Her paint­ings tran­scend­ed tra­di­tion­al bounds and cut out art over­flowed from the two-dimen­sion­al can­vas­es into the world. The del­i­cate tech­nique with embossed pat­terns cre­at­ed a strong feel­ing of depth.

If you’re swing­ing about in Paris, you can still see her work on dis­play near Mont­par­nasse, at Ate­lier Galería de Arte — AGA Inter­na­cional, 7, Rue de la Sablière, 75014.

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Written by Malu Benjamin
March 15, 2023

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