
Haute Couture vs. Luxury: What Sets Them Apart

What is Haute Cou­ture? When dis­cussing Haute Cou­ture, many peo­ple con­fuse it with terms like “high fash­ion” or “lux­u­ry fash­ion.” How­ev­er, the real­i­ty is quite dif­fer­ent. Haute Cou­ture rep­re­sents a lev­el of crafts­man­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty, and exclu­siv­i­ty that is dis­tinct from oth­er types of fash­ion. As we dis­cussed in our pre­vi­ous arti­cle on the evo­lu­tion of…

Photo by Seven Seven on Unsplash

Organic cotton. How is it different? What are its benefits?

The oth­er week we talked about how nature-based solu­tions are great­ly ben­e­fi­cial for bio­di­ver­si­ty and for reduc­ing pol­lu­tion and haz­ards on the envi­ron­ment. Because we like to talk about sus­tain­able mate­ri­als on fash­ion, we are going to apply this terms to the agri­cul­ture of organ­ic cot­ton. Cot­ton has been his­tor­i­cal­ly fash­ion’s most used fiber. When…

Paradigme Mode

Are jeans sustainable? The History and Makings of denim

After the glo­ri­ous return of the low-rise jeans, fash­ion­istas and influ­encers seem to be more obsessed than ever with den­im. While fash­ion­able, pro­duc­ing the icon­ic blue fab­ric can have a high envi­ron­men­tal impact. What does den­im mean for our plan­et ? Brief His­to­ry of Jeans Offi­cial­ly invent­ed in 1873 by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis,…

Beyond the Price Tag: What Does Fast Fashion Truly Cost?

Fash­ion has always had a rapid cycle of trend turnover. Look­ing across his­to­ry, there seems to be a per­pet­u­al­ly shrink­ing gap between the obso­le­tion and reemer­gence of what’s con­sid­ered ‘trendy.’ In the past decade, we have seen shoul­der pads awak­en from their post-80’s grave and watched women reclaim a new­ly lib­er­at­ed ver­sion of the eigh­­teenth-cen­­tu­ry…

The end of lab-made trends

Colours and mate­ri­als dic­tat­ed by cer­tain groups years before col­lec­tions is get­ting over soon. Going to tradeshows, over­analysing society´s behav­iors, dic­tat­ing what is con­sid­ered right or wrong… New gen­er­a­tions are reject­ing this idea. Some rich per­son, dis­joint­ed from soci­ety, in his hotel room, will decide what they will have to wear next year. Our soci­ety…

Paradigme Mode: The Creation Story

Par­a­digme Mode was found­ed upon a string of real­iza­tions. These real­iza­tions came slow­ly yet force­ful­ly, as if what had been a slight­ly blur­ry image of real­i­ty was at once vibrant­ly clear. This clear image which I now see, the real truth of the fash­ion indus­try, is com­mu­ni­cat­ing one thing: an urgent need for change. “Art…