Nicha Paris: where jewelry meets craftsmanship

Amidst the vibrant array of fab­rics, colours, and per­son­al­i­ties at Paris Fash­ion Week, one brand stood out by seam­less­ly inte­grat­ing jew­el­ry into its gar­ments. That brand is Nicha Paris, and in this arti­cle, we delve into its unique and sus­tain­able approach to fash­ion.

Who is Nicha Paris?

Char­lène Ver­voitte at Paris Fash­ion Week. 2023

Char­lène Ver­voitte boasts over a decade of expe­ri­ence in the fash­ion indus­try. Her jour­ney began with her stud­ies at Esmod, fol­lowed by near­ly five years as a design­er at Lan­vin. Lat­er, she ven­tured to Aus­tralia, lend­ing her tal­ents to Zim­mer­mann and CAMIL­LA AND MARC. After this enrich­ing inter­na­tion­al expe­ri­ence, she returned to the fash­ion cap­i­tal in 2019.

Char­lène worked as a free­lance design­er until she took the bold step of found­ing Nicha Paris in 2022. This endeav­or was made pos­si­ble through the sup­port of the Insti­tut Français de la Mode incu­ba­tor pro­gram and her fam­i­ly’s real estate ven­tures.

Nicha Paris was born from Char­lène’s vision of true lux­u­ry, fea­tur­ing pieces craft­ed on-demand to ensure client com­fort and style. What sets these gar­ments apart is the incor­po­ra­tion of gem­stones, each select­ed for its spe­cif­ic ben­e­fits in res­o­nance with the body and mind.

The Collection at Paris Fashion Week

The lat­est col­lec­tion by Nicha Paris rep­re­sents a con­tin­u­a­tion of the brand’s mis­sion: cre­at­ing a wardrobe of pieces that tran­scend fleet­ing trends. The col­or palette effort­less­ly com­ple­ments var­i­ous out­fits, offer­ing mod­ern women a ver­sa­tile look for both work and leisure.

Kir­ra Blue Jack­et, Nicha Paris, 2023
New col­lec­tion by Nicha Paris, Paris Fash­ion Week, 2023

One stand­out piece from this col­lec­tion is the Kir­ra Blue Jack­et, a metic­u­lous­ly tai­lored gar­ment with a clean col­lar and pearl embell­ish­ments for clo­sure. This ele­gant detail adds a touch of chic when­ev­er you fas­ten the styl­ish jack­et.

Notably, the pearl chains and straps on Nicha Paris’s pieces are remov­able, trans­form­ing into stand­alone acces­sories such as rings or neck­laces. This inge­nious design opens up a world of pos­si­bil­i­ties, allow­ing wear­ers to curate unique looks with dif­fer­ent jew­el­ry and gar­ments, achiev­ing seam­less acces­so­ry coor­di­na­tion.

Towards the Future. Sustainability

Nicha Paris’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty is at the core of its phi­los­o­phy. By pro­duc­ing gar­ments exclu­sive­ly on-demand, the brand avoids over­pro­duc­tion and the asso­ci­at­ed ener­gy waste com­mon­ly seen in fast fash­ion.

The gem­stones used by the brand are always nat­ur­al, and the clasps are sourced with­in France, fin­ished with a lay­er of 24-karat fine gold. The brand remains ded­i­cat­ed to eth­i­cal min­ing prac­tices and pro­vides a trans­par­ent list of the sources for their gem­stones:

  • Moth­er-of-pearl: Indone­sia
  • Ser­pen­tine: India
  • Azu­rite-Mala­chite: Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca
  • Rhodonite: Africa
  • Tiger’s eye: Africa
  • Rhy­o­lite Que sera: Rus­sia
Pearls’ details. Nicha Paris
Pearls’ details. Nicha Paris
Pearls’ details. Nicha Paris

Nicha Paris takes a sus­tain­able approach to fab­rics, uti­liz­ing dead­stock from pres­ti­gious French lux­u­ry hous­es. This ensures that every fab­ric cho­sen is unique and avail­able for a lim­it­ed time. Once the stock is deplet­ed, the brand intro­duces new upcy­cled fab­ric options. Nicha Paris is com­mit­ted to sourc­ing fab­rics exclu­sive­ly from Europe, with a focus on France, Italy, and the Unit­ed King­dom.

Every com­po­nent of their gar­ments, from zip­pers to ther­mo adhe­sives, is also sourced from France, as is the gar­ment assem­bly itself. The brand’s com­mit­ment to trans­paren­cy is note­wor­thy, with detailed pric­ing and process infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed in every client receipt. The brand stands as a shin­ing exam­ple of sus­tain­able fash­ion prac­tices.

Written by David Ferrero
December 17, 2023

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