Tranoï Show: A Platform for a New Generation of Fashion


If you’ve been fol­low­ing our arti­cles, you might have noticed that we’ve had the plea­sure of inter­view­ing numer­ous fash­ion cre­ators. And you might have won­dered: how did we man­age to con­nect with so many tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als? The answer lies in our vis­its to the Tra­noï show­room dur­ing Paris Fash­ion Week.

What is Tranoï?

Tra­noï is a key part­ner of the Paris Fash­ion Week trade show, which takes place twice annu­al­ly for wom­enswear (in March and Sep­tem­ber) and twice for menswear (in Feb­ru­ary and June). As a B2B event, it serves glob­al buy­ers who are seek­ing dis­tinc­tive fash­ion offer­ings from a hand­picked selec­tion of fresh, ready-to-wear design­ers and acces­so­ry brands. These design­ers are care­ful­ly select­ed by Tra­noï in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Fédéra­tion de la Haute Cou­ture et de la Mode, cre­at­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of cut­ting-edge tal­ent that attracts inter­na­tion­al atten­tion.

Tra­noï show­room at the the Palais Brong­niart in March 2023

Since 1998, Tra­noï has been a respect­ed plat­form for show­cas­ing emerg­ing brands and help­ing them to gain expo­sure on the glob­al stage. By con­nect­ing these design­ers with influ­en­tial buy­ers from around the world, Tra­noï plays an impor­tant role in enabling them to expand their reach and break into new mar­kets. It’s no won­der that the event has earned a rep­u­ta­tion for being an invalu­able launch­pad for new tal­ent.

Winter Fall 2023 Collections at Paris Fashion Week

This sea­son, the Palais Brong­niart was a vibrant hub of cre­ativ­i­ty, with over 150 glob­al brands and 40,000 buy­ers in atten­dance at the wom­enswear trade show. As we walked through the space, we were struck by the diverse range of visions on dis­play, from con­cep­tu­al brands oper­at­ing out­side of com­mer­cial mar­kets to up-and-com­ing design­ers seek­ing to expand their reach.

Despite the vari­ety of styles and approach­es, there was one trend that stood out to us above all oth­ers: sus­tain­abil­i­ty. While not every brand at the show had ful­ly embraced this ethos, we were heart­ened to see a grow­ing num­ber of small cre­ators pri­ori­tis­ing eth­i­cal prac­tices, such as local pro­duc­tion and the use of care­ful­ly curat­ed mate­ri­als. These design­ers are not only pas­sion­ate about fash­ion, but also about cre­at­ing some­thing of real val­ue for soci­ety and for the upcom­ing future.

We had the plea­sure of feel­ing the tex­ture of new fab­rics and chat­ting with some of the bright­est inter­na­tion­al cre­ators at the show, includ­ing PODYH, Evyïnit, and Aequa­mente. Each of these brands is ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing local pop­u­la­tions by pro­duc­ing on their home turf (Ukraine, Ger­many, and Italy, respec­tive­ly). And there were so many more to dis­cov­er: dur­ing our vis­it, we had pas­sion­ate con­ver­sa­tions with the design­ers of Apoth­icaires Stu­dio, ADN Paris, Ate­lier Basile, Mama Série Orig­i­nale Paris, Trib­al Hotel, Degabriel, Pos­sery, Rad­i­ca Stu­dio, and Mai­son Eisa.

As you can see from our pic­tures, this trade show was a feast for the sens­es, and we can’t wait to share more insights and sto­ries from the event in our upcom­ing fash­ion series.

A bright future

The Tra­noï show­room is renowned for its abil­i­ty to uncov­er emerg­ing tal­ent from around the globe, and this sea­son was no excep­tion. The care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion of brands on dis­play rep­re­sent­ed a new gen­er­a­tion of design­ers who are push­ing the bound­aries of tra­di­tion­al fash­ion with rev­o­lu­tion­ary con­cepts and tech­niques.

Tra­noï show­room at the the Palais Brong­niart in March 2023

Thanks to Tra­noï’s com­mit­ment to show­cas­ing young tal­ent, Paris Fash­ion Week is no longer sole­ly dom­i­nat­ed by estab­lished lux­u­ry brands. This event has cre­at­ed a plat­form for ris­ing stars who are mak­ing smart choic­es for the plan­et. It con­sol­i­dates Paris as the world’s fash­ion cap­i­tal.

As we look ahead to the menswear show in June, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for these inno­v­a­tive design­ers. The Tra­noï show­room is a true cham­pi­on of fresh, bound­ary-push­ing fash­ion, and we’re excit­ed to see how it con­tin­ues to shape the indus­try in the years to come.

Written by David Ferrero
March 10, 2023

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