Miyette : A French Psychedelic Fashion Fairy Tale

In the world of fash­ion, there’s a new play­er that is not just mak­ing waves but craft­ing its own unique nar­ra­tive. Meet Miyette, a young and vibrant ready-to-wear brand that embarked on its jour­ney in 2019. Found­ed by the dynam­ic sib­ling duo of Boris and Rox­ane Tardy, this French brand is rewrit­ing the fash­ion sto­ry­book with its con­tem­po­rary retro psy­che­del­ic aes­thet­ic.

Who’s behind Miyette ?

The tale of Miyette is root­ed in the shared child­hood mem­o­ries of Boris and Rox­ane Tardy. They decid­ed to weave those mem­o­ries into a fash­ion brand, and the result is noth­ing short of enchant­i­ng. Miyette’s col­lec­tions are a mod­ern fairy tale brought to life, where each piece tells a unique sto­ry. The brand’s sig­na­ture style is char­ac­ter­ized by bold prints, vibrant col­ors, and an unapolo­get­i­cal­ly con­tem­po­rary spir­it, fus­ing casu­al glam­our with a play­ful charm.

Miyette Fashion
New Myette Col­lec­tion at Tra­noï Spring/Summer 2024
Miyette Fashion
Boris Tardy with the new Miyette Col­lec­tion

Boris, the cre­ative force behind the brand, fol­lowed his pas­sion for art and design by study­ing graph­ic design before delv­ing into the world of fash­ion. Rox­ane, with her prag­mat­ic spir­it, pur­sued her stud­ies in Entre­pre­neur­ship at a Busi­ness School. Togeth­er, with their com­ple­men­tary skills and expe­ri­ences, they embarked on their fash­ion jour­ney, birthing Miyette in July 2019.

A Family-Owned Affair

Miyette Fashion
Miyette Pho­to­shoot — Dol­ly dress

Miyette isn’t just a brand; it’s a fam­i­ly busi­ness. The Tardy sib­lings have poured their hearts and souls into this ven­ture, ensur­ing that their brand reflects their val­ues and vision. By choos­ing to shop at Miyette, cus­tomers not only acquire fash­ion pieces but also sup­port young French design­ers and the prin­ci­ples of slow fash­ion.

Limited Quantities, Maximum Impact

Miyette Fashion
Miyette Pho­to­shoot — Dol­ly dress

Miyette takes a con­scious approach to pro­duc­tion, avoid­ing over-pro­duc­tion by craft­ing rea­son­able quan­ti­ties of each style. With only 30 to 50 pieces per style, every piece is a lim­it­ed edi­tion, mak­ing each cus­tomer feel like a part of an exclu­sive club.

Craftsmanship with a Heart

Behind the scenes, Miyette entrusts the man­u­fac­tur­ing of its pieces to a small work­shop of fif­teen ded­i­cat­ed arti­sans based in Plov­div, Bul­gar­ia. With over 20 years of expe­ri­ence, this skilled team metic­u­lous­ly works on every aspect of Miyette’s cre­ations, from cut­ting fab­rics to assem­bling the pieces. They bring to life the col­or­ful pieces of the brand’s col­lec­tions.

Miyette Fashion
New Myette Col­lec­tion at Tra­noï Spring/Summer 2024

Sustainable Choices

At the heart of Miyette’s ethos lies a com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty. The brand choos­es its mate­ri­als with max­i­mum care, pri­or­i­tiz­ing qual­i­ty and Euro­pean pro­duc­tion. The fab­rics are sourced respon­si­bly, with a pref­er­ence for BCI cot­ton, Oeko-Tex, and GOTS prints, as well as recy­cled mate­ri­als and dead­stock. Their sup­pli­ers in Italy, Por­tu­gal, and Bul­gar­ia help min­i­mize the brand’s car­bon foot­print by allow­ing trans­porta­tion of mate­ri­als and fin­ished prod­ucts by road.

Miyette Fashion
Miyette Pho­to­shoot — Dol­ly dress
Miyette Pho­to­shoot

Miyette works with print­ers that employ a green dig­i­tal print­ing tech­nol­o­gy, reduc­ing water usage dur­ing pro­duc­tion. They’ve even found an eco-friend­ly way to repur­pose the heat gen­er­at­ed by their print­ing press­es into ener­gy.

Unique Patterns and Eco-Conscious Packaging

Boris, the brand’s cre­ative vision­ary, designs all the pat­terns in-house, craft­ing all-over prints that min­i­mize fab­ric wastage dur­ing cut­ting. Unlike tra­di­tion­al placed pat­terns, this approach ensures that each piece is tru­ly unique, with pat­tern place­ment vary­ing from one item to anoth­er.

Miyette Pack­ag­ing

Miyette’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty extends to its pack­ag­ing. Orders over 200€ are shipped in excep­tion­al pink box­es stamped with the Miyette logo, made in Turkey. These box­es are not just for ship­ping; they can be kept and reused for stor­age. Small­er orders are shipped in 100% cot­ton pouch­es made in Italy. The brand’s cards are print­ed on recy­cled paper or FSC-cer­ti­fied paper.

Towards the Future. Sustainability

Miyette is more than just a fash­ion brand, it’s a beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed tale of sib­lings dreams and val­ues woven into every fab­ric and design. With a com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion, and a unique aes­thet­ic, Miyette invites you to be a part of their enchant­i­ng fash­ion fairy tale. Join the move­ment and embrace the charm of con­scious, con­tem­po­rary fash­ion with a touch of whim­sy.

Written by Mathis Reynaud
January 23, 2024

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