KROON 02: Memories and Elegance

In the bustling world of fash­ion, where trends come and go, there is a brand that draws its inspi­ra­tion from the nos­tal­gia of child­hood mem­o­ries, inter­twined with a pas­sion for cre­ativ­i­ty and inno­va­tion. KROON 02, a Lux­em­bour­gish acces­sories brand, was found­ed by the tal­ent­ed and dynam­ic duo of sis­ters Lau­rene and Char­lotte Kroon that we had the plea­sure to meet at the last Tra­noï event.

KROON 02 Fashion
Pho­to­shoot KROON 02 SPRING SUM­MER 2024

Who’s Behind KROON 02 ?

Char­lotte Kroon, one of the two sis­ters, stands as the cre­ative mas­ter­mind behind KROON 02. Her jour­ney into the world of fash­ion design was shaped by her expe­ri­ences at renowned brands like BOT­TER and Acne Stu­dios. In 2017, Char­lotte grad­u­at­ed from the pres­ti­gious Isti­tu­to Marango­ni in Lon­don, armed with a wealth of knowl­edge and a burn­ing pas­sion for fab­ric manip­u­la­tion and trim­mings. These ele­ments became the cor­ner­stone for her artis­tic expres­sion through acces­sories.

The Kroon sis­ters

On the oth­er side of the spec­trum, Lau­rene Kroon takes charge of the busi­ness aspect of KROON 02. Grad­u­at­ing with a Bach­e­lor of Arts in Fash­ion, Lux­u­ry, and Retail Man­age­ment from EBC Dus­sel­dorf in 2015, Lau­rene honed her busi­ness acu­men while work­ing for indus­try giants like Louis Vuit­ton and Gaas­tra. Her astute sense of the fash­ion busi­ness makes her the per­fect coun­ter­part to Char­lot­te’s cre­ative endeav­ors, forg­ing an unbeat­able part­ner­ship.

A Journey Through Childhood Memories

KROON 02 is not mere­ly a brand, it’s an embod­i­ment of the sis­ters’ shared child­hood expe­ri­ences. Their ear­ly years were marked by care­free adven­tures, from wan­der­ing in emp­ty fields to sum­mers spent sail­ing with their fam­i­ly. Their child­hood mem­o­ries also include the delight­ful pas­time of cre­at­ing per­fumes from flower petals plucked from their gar­den. It’s these evoca­tive mem­o­ries that have woven their way into the very essence of KROON 02.

KROON 02 Fashion
Pho­to­shoot KROON 02 SPRING SUM­MER 2024

How­ev­er, KROON 02 isn’t just about rem­i­nisc­ing, it’s about cre­at­ing new mem­o­ries. The brand’s phi­los­o­phy revolves around encour­ag­ing every­one to embrace their inner child, to nur­ture their curios­i­ty, and to rev­el in the beau­ty of life’s sim­ple plea­sures. The designs exude an air of sophis­ti­ca­tion, but they’re ground­ed in the authen­tic­i­ty of those cher­ished child­hood mem­o­ries, echo­ing the sen­ti­ment that it’s the sim­ple things that often hold the most pro­found beau­ty.

The Essence of KROON 02

KROON 02 Fashion
Pho­to­shoot KROON 02 SPRING SUM­MER 2023
KROON 02 Bead­ed Flower Ear­rings

KROON 02 is char­ac­ter­ized by its unique blend of cre­ativ­i­ty, nos­tal­gia, and an unyield­ing com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty. Every acces­so­ry from the brand reflects the pas­sion and artistry of Char­lotte Kroon, com­bined with the busi­ness acu­men of Lau­rene Kroon. The result is a range of acces­sories that appeal to those who appre­ci­ate the fin­er details in life, as well as those who wish to cre­ate their own beau­ti­ful mem­o­ries.

KROON 02 Flow­er­studs
KROON 02 Fashion
Pho­to­shoot KROON 02 AUTUMN WIN­TER 2023/2024

From intri­cate­ly designed fab­ric manip­u­la­tions to ele­gant trim­mings, KROON 02’s cre­ations are a tes­ta­ment to the sis­ters ded­i­ca­tion to their craft. With the abil­i­ty to evoke emo­tions, mem­o­ries, and the essence of child­hood in their designs, the brand offers more than just acces­sories; it offers a con­nec­tion to the past and an invi­ta­tion to craft new, cher­ished moments.

Towards the Future. Sustainability

KROON 02 Fashion
Pho­to­shoot KROON 02 SPRING SUM­MER 2024

In con­clu­sion, KROON 02 is more than just a fash­ion brand, it’s a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of nos­tal­gia, cre­ativ­i­ty, and the sim­ple joys of life. Found­ed by two sis­ters with a pas­sion for fash­ion and a com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty, this Lux­em­bour­gish brand invites us all to embrace our inner child and cre­ate new mem­o­ries, one acces­so­ry at a time. With KROON 02, ele­gance and nos­tal­gia are beau­ti­ful­ly inter­twined, invit­ing us to appre­ci­ate the beau­ty in the sim­plic­i­ty of life.

Written by Mathis Reynaud
December 14, 2023

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