17H10: Redefining Feminine Tailoring for Empowerment

Amélie Dela­cour and Car­o­line Rey stand as the vision­ary cre­ators behind the esteemed fash­ion label, 17H10. More than busi­ness asso­ciates, they’re kin­dred spir­its shar­ing a pro­found pas­sion for fash­ion, aspir­ing to empow­er women to embrace dis­tinc­tive styles and atti­tudes. Sur­round­ed by a pre­dom­i­nant­ly female team, their exact­ing approach shapes these prod­ucts and unique expe­ri­ence defin­ing 17H10.

17h10 Tailoring
Amélie Dela­cour and Car­o­line Rey

A Chic and Comfortable Professional Wardrobe

In the diverse tapes­try of wom­en’s lives, 17H10’s wardrobe adapts seam­less­ly, cater­ing to var­i­ous lifestyles. Be it the work­ing pro­fes­sion­al, the artist, the den­tist, the lawyer, or the ear­ly ris­er and night owl alike.

17h10 Tailoring
Moscou Suit Jack­et — Mel­rose — 17h10
17h10’s New Col­lec­tion at Tra­noï

Their reimag­i­na­tion of tai­lor­ing caters to wom­en’s needs, sup­port­ing them through the chal­lenges encoun­tered both pro­fes­sion­al­ly and per­son­al­ly.

The Power of Elegance

17H10’s ambi­tion is to pro­vide active women with impec­ca­bly tai­lored suits that com­ple­ment diverse body types. Their cloth­ing embod­ies a wom­an’s per­son­al­i­ty, becom­ing a sig­na­ture that exudes beau­ty, con­fi­dence, and pow­er. Ver­sa­til­i­ty, sophis­ti­ca­tion, and fem­i­nin­i­ty hall­mark their prod­ucts.

17h10 Tailoring
Boston Suit Jack­et — Bri­tan­nia — 17h10

Neo-Tailoring: The Art of Engaged Costume

At the heart of 17H10’s ethos lies the com­mit­ment to eth­i­cal­ly respon­si­ble fash­ion. Uphold­ing eco-con­scious val­ues influ­ences their choice of mate­ri­als, favor­ing trust­ed Euro­pean crafts­men, cer­ti­fied Ital­ian fab­rics, and repur­posed tex­tiles from haute cou­ture hous­es.

Finding the Perfect Tailoring

The 17H10 col­lec­tion boasts var­i­ous jack­et styles, pants of dif­fer­ent cuts, skirts, and shorts, all avail­able in an array of col­ors. With hun­dreds of com­bi­na­tions tai­lored to indi­vid­ual styles and pref­er­ences, find­ing the ide­al ensem­ble is guar­an­teed.

Moscou Suit Jack­et — White — 17h10
17h10 Tailoring
Boston Suit Jack­et — Bour­bon — 17h10

The designs at 17H10 fac­tor in dai­ly con­straints and chal­lenges faced by women: the need for com­fort, ease of move­ment, non-creas­ing fab­rics, and breath­able mate­ri­als. Jack­ets are equipped with inte­ri­or pock­ets and func­tion­al but­ton­holes, allow­ing sleeve rolling.

The Joy of Confidence Through Clothing

17H10 offers a mod­ern, fem­i­nine inter­pre­ta­tion of suits, draw­ing from sar­to­r­i­al artistry. Embrac­ing essen­tials from men’s wardrobes like woolen fab­rics, fine fin­ish­es, and com­fort-dri­ven designs, their inclu­siv­i­ty ensures suit­abil­i­ty for all body shapes and metic­u­lous­ly select­ed col­ors.

17h10 Tailoring
Paris Suit Jack­et — Mar­ron Glacé — 17h10

Pieces Meant to Last for Years

Embrac­ing time­less fash­ion, their gar­ments tran­scend sea­sons and trends, designed with adjustable fea­tures to accom­mo­date changes in body size. A gen­er­ous pro­vi­sion of extra fab­ric ensures easy alter­ations. More­over, their in-store alter­ation ser­vices cater to the longevi­ty of 17H10 pieces.

Towards the Future. Sustainability

17h10 Tailoring
Upcy­cled Edi­tion — Van­cou­ver Coat — Wind­sor — 17h10
Upcy­cled Edi­tion — Van­cou­ver Coat — Wind­sor — 17h10

In a world where fash­ion ranks as the sec­ond most pol­lut­ing indus­try, 17H10’s mis­sion is to cre­ate a con­scious­ly craft­ed wardrobe, empow­er­ing women while min­i­miz­ing envi­ron­men­tal impact.

This com­mit­ment mate­ri­al­izes through:

  • Metic­u­lous selec­tion of eco-respon­si­ble and cer­ti­fied mate­ri­als.
  • Local­iza­tion of pro­duc­tion to sup­port and sus­tain Euro­pean crafts­man­ship.
  • Design­ing ver­sa­tile, endur­ing, and inclu­sive pieces.
  • Empow­er­ing women of all sizes and shapes through tai­lored solu­tions.
  • Har­ness­ing the com­mu­nal strength and cama­raderie among women.

17H10 envi­sions fash­ion as a force that uplifts, unites, and inspire a realm where wom­en’s sto­ries inter­twine, spark­ing dreams and build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty.

Written by Mathis Reynaud
February 7, 2024

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